Write an essay for me
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
My intro free essay sample
As I looked past the unpleasant glass, my body gave me a motivator to run outside. What showed up as the most excellent day of the year, was immediately devoured by my broad move hours and reckless hard working attitudes. The pitiful white shaded cover hung intensely around my neck, leaving a sizable rash followed by a feeling of disturbance on my skin. I had been at Uncle Pauls Restaurant for just three hours when Shannon, the move supervisor, delicately snatched my arm and said ââ¬Å"Today, were somewhat moderate; why donââ¬â¢t you take the day off.â⬠My body didn't move, yet I grinned vivaciously to tell her my reaction. Not long after my mediation with Shannon, I was outside, completely free and distant from my obligations. It was early, in any case, I realized my time was amazingly significant. As I strolled towards my neighborhood, I was attracted to the tremendous woods which remained inside a mile from my home. We will compose a custom paper test on My introduction or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Curved distorted trees that appeared to raise from fallen leaves and squandered ivy. The smell of spoiling wood overflowed through the air, as I watched the last flash of light vanish inside the backwoods. It was clearly an abnormal sight, anyway I was unable to pull away; for what started as an unusual fascination, before long turned into a thought. My life required a kick of abnormality, and there was no preferable method of beginning once again investing some quality energy profound inside nature.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Doyle builds Essay Example For Students
Doyle assembles Essay Doyle develops his environment by bit by bit utilizing language progressively outrageous and substantially more expressive. Towards the finish of section 6 Doyle utilizes language, for example, The excursion a quick lovely one, spent it in making the more close associate of my two mates, and playing with Dr. Mortimers spaniel. This uses some utilization of spellbinding language however isn't sufficiently clear to make a psychological picture in the brain of the peruser. Though later on in the book in section 14 Doyle stretches out his language to make more climate, for example, I sprang to my feet, my inactive hand getting a handle on my gun, my brain deadened bye the loathsome shape which had sprung out upon us from the shadows of the mist. A dog it was, a gigantic coal dark dog, however not such a dog as mortal eyes have ever observed. Fire burst from its open mouth, its eyes shined with a seething glare, its gag and passion and dewlap were sketched out in flashing fire. Presently this entry utilizes a tremendous measure of enlightening language to catch the peruser and make awfulness. This portrayal additionally lets the peruser envision the dog jumping out at them from in the midst of the haze. So as should be obvious Doyle develops his climate all through the term of the story. This air adds a great deal of anticipation to the story; it truly catches the perusers eye and makes them never need to put the book down. The climate in this story is significant in making the impact of supernaturalism, riddle and tension particularly in section 14. This is on the grounds that in the later phases of the book, not long before the dog gets slaughtered there should have been a major peak, to make an impact on the peruser. One of the components utilized was the climate. The climate contributes extraordinarily to the setting and environment since it permits the story to be powerful. The night-air was substantial with the smell of soggy and rot. Occasionally the moon peeped out for a moment, however mists were rolling over the essence of the sky, and similarly as we came out on the field a meager downpour started to fall This gives you an impression of what kind of language Doyle is utilizing to portray the climate. He is really expounding to permit the peruser to picture what the climate would resemble; this helps while making the environment and setting. The climate influences the plot since it makes a dull and melancholy setting for the story to be set in. In the event that the story was set in a radiant territory it would be much harder for Doyle to make climate and setting. The moon shone on it, and it seemed as though an extraordinary shining ice-field, with the leaders of the removed tors as rocks borne upon its surfaceThe stars shone cold and splendid, while a half-moon washed the entire scene in a delicate, dubious light. These are two statements that demonstrate how Doyle utilizes distinct language to portray the climate on the field. They give the peruser an image of a cold and forlorn scene that is tormented with odd commotions and impossible to miss shapes. This is significant in light of the fact that it permits the characters to be alert consistently, giving the peruser the feeling that something is going to occur, and accordingly effectively keeping them perusing. All in all, the entirety of the components I have talked about so far contribute in making an ideal setting and a dull, strange and perilous air. Doyle makes this story a startling loathsomeness story by utilizing solid distinct language and the utilization of symbolism, this is an extremely shrewd and basic method of making a tremendous impact on the peruser in light of the fact that they envision they are in the story and can consequently encounter the anticipation and rush in a first individual view. .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d , .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d .postImageUrl , .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d , .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d:hover , .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d:visited , .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d:active { border:0!important; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d:active , .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uebb9192dbf 57a123881884a34049ad3d .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uebb9192dbf57a123881884a34049ad3d:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Essay Questions For The Crucible By Arthur MillerThis story was exceptionally powerful when I read it, I particularly loved the end scarcely any sections where the anticipation and environment were topping. This book truly maneuvered me into the story and caused me to feel as if I was one of the individuals in the story, and these occasions were transpiring. This is the reason I think this book is so successful in making a ground-breaking setting and environment.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Sophomore Satisfaction
Sophomore Satisfaction Unfortunately, having my hell weeks for the last two weeks has meant that I havent done much fun stuff other than spend an obsene amount of time in my room working on psets and studying for all my classes :P But I figured that all of you would still enjoy reading about my classes, so I though Id let everyone know that Im taking this semester. My current schedule: 2.001- Mechanics and Materials: Think beams, trusses, and bridges. In this class, we look at structures in equilibrium and learn how to calculate internal forces and deformations. Its a neat class because Ive been able to learn more about the force distributions in different support structures. Ill never be able to look at a bridge the same again. 2.003- Dynamics and Controls: In this class, we study the motion of moving objects. Rolling, oscillating, and spinning. You name a motion, well probably study it at some point. Its a lot like 8.01 (Classical Mechanics) on steroids, and I absolutely love this class! Whats really funny is that in high school, I actually didnt like physics that much. But at MIT, we have some incredible physics professors who made me learn to love what used to be my least favorite subject! 5.12- Organic Chemistry: Some of you might be confused as to why Im taking this class, and to be honest, I am too sometimes :P But Im taking organic chemistry because Im considering minoring in Course 20 (biological engineering). Essentially in the class, Im learning TONS about molecules and reactions. CMS.631- Systems Visualization: In this class, were learning about how to represent complex systems using visual metaphors. Its definitely one of the coolest HASS classes Ive taken since Ive been here. Ive really enjoyed learning about how to make good visual designs (: Ill be sure to post my final project at the end of the semester online to show everyone what Ive been working on! 2.678- Electronics for Mechanical Systems: This class is a basic electronics class for mechanical engineers. I think its really useful to learn electronics, especially since I eventually want to work in robotics! The labs are pretty neat, since we get to build things almost every week! A couple weeks ago, we built this Joule Thief (Get it? Its so clever!). Essentially its a circuit in which a 1.5 V battery can power a LED that requires 3.5V for it to operate. Pretty cool! Expect another blog soon about my fun 6 hour adventure with Natnael!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Cybercrime as an international problem - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2234 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: Cyber Crime Essay Did you like this example? Cybercrime is an international problem thats faced every day. Regardless of the prevention techniques in place, the infrastructure of companies, corporations, and individuals are at risk for various types of cybercrimes. Cybercrimes are defined by Mirriam-Webster as criminal activities that are carried out using a computer especially when transmitting, manipulating, or accessing data (Miriam-Webster 2018). Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Cybercrime as an international problem" essay for you Create order Currently, there is no way to completely prevent these crimes from occurring, however it is possible to put best practices into place. The United States uses three broad approaches in effort to prevent and react to cybercrimes: Criminal, civil, and voluntary industry guidelines. Internationally these industry best practices vary. After a comparison of the U.S. and international law, the U.S. application of all three practices appears to be the best technique for prevention and response to cybercrimes, however the UK, Russia, and China also have excellent laws and regulations in place. While these countries have a great set of comprehensive laws, there is always room for improvement. United States Approach to Cybersecurity: As mentioned above the United States incorporates three different approaches for cybersecurity. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) and Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 cover the criminal sanction while the laws pertaining to negligence and HIPPA compliance in the health care field set forth civil liability. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a cybersecurity framework that sets forth a voluntary standard. Criminal: The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) of 1986 18 U.S.C.S. à § 1030, an amendment to the computer fraud law, made it a federal crime to access computers without appropriate authorization and obtaining any information about any US department or agency, financial records/consumer information, and anything collected from a protected computer. The United States v. Nosal outlined the definition of exceeds authorized access as authorized access to computers and use access to obtain or alter information that the accessor does not have entitlement to do so (United States v Nosal, 676 F3d 854 [9th Cir 2012].) The act has been amended several times since inception, and has expanded its scope beyond its original intention which covered only U.S. government computer and some financial systems. The Patriot Act of 2001 came shortly after the 9/11 attacks and was an update to the CFAA allowing for expanded access for law enforcement to investigate possible acts of terrorism. In 2015, President Ba rack Obamas administration saw a major problem in the United States infrastructure finding that several hundreds of millions of dollars has been stolen via intrusion due to the weakness, and the Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)(18 U.S Code Chapter 96) was put in place in an effort to rid organized crime in the United States. Penalties for violation of the CFAA include range from fines to imprisonment up to 20 years in some instances. Civil: There are several laws that are organized to handle civil cases of cybercrimes. Two major examples are Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) which protects patient data/medical information transmitted electronically and negligence laws that forces people to follow a certain level of care for others. While HIPPA is a federal law, negligence laws are set forth by individual states. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is the enforcement authority for the HIPPA act and enforces the penalties. Since the medical field is moving toward electronic filing, billing, and monitoring of patient information for efficient, HIPPA has never been more important as a national standard. Health plans, health care providers (providing they electronically transmit health information), heath care clearinghouse, and any business associates (such as pharmacy) that fall under the umbrella of those needing to abide by HIPPA regulation. It covers any physical and mental health information, wh at treatment is being received, and any financial/payment information of an individual. HIPPA requires any entity with access to health care information to retrieve an authorization for the electronic transmission, and requires a notice of the privacy practices. Penalties for non-compliance can range anywhere from $100 to $50,000. A second important civil law is negligence. Each state may have different standards for negligence. As previously stated, individuals are required to act in a manner that shows a duty of care to other individuals. Duty of care is a basic requirement that an individual act with a carefulness, attention, and consideration towards other in order to prevent the risk of harm. There are four elements necessary to prove negligence, 1. Proof that an individual had a legal duty of care to the other, 2. A breach of that duty of care, 3. Because of that breach an injury was suffered, and, 4. Proximate cause. Failure to provide the appropriate duty of care to another results in fines that can vary in degree depending on the level of injury to a person. Voluntary Standard: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has a framework tha outlines protection for infrastructures, and that have a systematic process to identify, assess, and managed cybersecurity risk (National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2018). While this framework is a voluntary framework, its an industry best standard and was designed with the help of several individuals in the industry, government, and academia through several workshops around the country (NIST, 2018). There are no civil or criminal ramifications for not using the standard, but it should be understood that not using this framework or another standard could result in civil and criminal suits. This framework helps cover the necessary aspects for prevention and response to cybersecurity incidents. The NIST framework covers five core functions that include Identification, Protection, Detection and follows with Response, and Recovery techniques. These five core functions help manage risk assessment whi ch can identify the crown jewels of a company (those things that need to be protected), assess possible breaches/cybersecurity instances, and allows for a plan of response and recovery in the instance of a breach. The Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014 was an effort to improve cybersecurity research and development; the act authorized financial allotment for continued research and helps to educate the public on awareness and preparedness. (Heckert, 2010). United Kingdom (UK) Approach to Cybercrime: Criminal : The Computer Misuse Act enacted (CMA) in 1990 made it so that without authorization from the owner of the data there could be no changes to the information whether on a computer or on another device. This Act was derived from Regina v. Gold and Schifreen, 1998 which was a case where the defendants hacked into the computer system of the Duke of Edinburgs email using an ID and password that was not authorized for their use. The CMA cited different criminal offenses: unauthorized access to carry out further offenses, modify material, and general unauthorized access to a computer. Punishment is generally around twelve months and a fine. In 2015, the act was modified in order to coincide with the Serious Crime Act which aided law enforcement with search and seizure operations. This Serous Crime Act could lead to up to 14 years in prison and a large fine (What is the Computer Misuse Act, 2018). Civil: The Data Protection Act of 1988 (DPA) was an act that worked to protect the personal data of an individual that was being stored on a computer and was replaced by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The GDPR was approved in April of 2016, and fully implemented two years later, in May 2018. The GDPR covers the member states of the European Union, with the purpose of protecting the EU citizens personal data from data and privacy breaches. Changes that came with the GDPR include a clear jurisdictional extension that covers any and all companies that collect and process personal data in the EU including those who outsource the information, whereas previously the DPA was ambiguous. The GDPR made it mandatory for national states to This is done by regulating usage of personal data by any company, organization, or individual that processes it for non-personal usage; regardless of the type of technology that is used. The regulation does not only cover processing that is done in t he EU, rather it covers EU citizens regardless of where the processing occurs, making it globally effective. Processing includes collection, storage, transmission, and recording among many others in relation to personal information. Personal data is defined in the GDPR as information that can identify an individual or relates to the identity of a living person, or information that may be put together to identify a person. (European Commission, 2018). This information includes, but is not limited to information such as name, address, email, ID card, location data, and any information help by a doctor/hospital. This information is no longer considered identifiable once it has been encrypted or goes through the process of anonymization (European Commission, 2018). The GDPR also made it mandatory for any breaches to be announced within the first 72 hours of awareness. In order to be compliant within with the GDPR organizations must get consent from customers/consumers prior to storing a nd processing data. There must also be a Data Processing Officer within each organization who is appointed to monitor data, as well as the necessity for breach notification. Data Protection Impact Assessments need to be completed. The organizations must Data Protection Authorities (DPA) are the authority that investigate and correct any issues and complaints that are lodged for non-compliance and are considered supervisory. Each nation state has their own DPA, and each state decides what the penalty is for non-compliance. The penalties range through a variety of fines and can be as high as 4% or as low as 2% of the previous years revenue (GDPREU.org, 2018). China China has no data protection laws that are comprehensive but are rather spread apart across several laws and regulations that have already been enacted. These regulations can be found throughout the General Principles of Civil Law and Tort Liability Law, as well as the Criminal Law of the Peoples Republic (Data Protection Laws of the World, 2018). In 2017, the first national-level law went into effect which was called the Cybersecurity Law and was the first enacted law to discuss data privacy and cybersecurity. This law was to protect and safeguard online information for citizens and legal entities. China collectively use the Decision on Strengthening Online Information Protection and NIST as a backbone to help create such data protection rules. The Cyberspace Administration of China is the authority for data protection in China, but there is also the PBOC or CBRC who are involved with regulation of larger financial institutions. China requires permission from the owner of personal d ata prior to its allowance to be transferred or disclosed. Only when data is collected appropriately and necessarily while abiding by the regulations can organizations collected, store, and use personal information. It requires organizations to take appropriate measures against processing data illegally/exposure of personal information by ensuring proper protect systems are in place. It doesnt appear to have a timeline for notification of data breaches, however it does require notification to be made to those effected within a timely manner (Data Protection Laws of the World, 2018). Enforcement for cybersecurity crimes vary from fines all the way to criminal activity. Chinas law making is beginning to lean towards forming more laws and regulations that are similar to the GDPR making it more effective overall. Russia The bulk of the cybersecurity laws in Russia are embedded in the legislation of the Data Protection Act, while the Russian Construction covers the privacy rights of individuals. Prior to 2014, Russia didnt focus on data protection as much as it should have. However, in 2014, Russia began regulating the usage of personal data. The focus was on data processors, and required the information to be processed inside Russia, instead of using outside sources. The regulations require full disclosure and transparency about a businesss privacy practices, and permissions from the owner of the data in order to transfer it. The DPA requires a data control officer to be appointment in order to oversee compliance with regulation. The federal government (The Agency) is the authority for seeking repercussions for now complying with the cybersecurity practices. Penalties for not following the requirements set forth for cybersecurity protection as subject to the shit down of any websites that participat e in unlawful acts and requires registrations on the Register of Infringers of Rights of Personal Data Subjects (Data Protection Laws of the World, 2018). In the event of a data breach, there is unfortunately no requirement for reporting. In conclusion, while the United States seems to have the best practices when it comes to cybersecurity, considering it covers civil and criminal sanctions along with a voluntary framework, other countries have also set forth excellent cybersecurity regimes. The United Kingdom is an under the umbrella of the EU, and is covered under the GDPR, but also has its own civil sanction making it very strong overall with cybersecurity practices. China, while working on cybersecurity laws has the regulation buried throughout its current law system and covers a vast majority of necessary prevention techniques and enforcement related to cybercrimes. As mentioned above, Chinas laws are very similar to the EU GDPR. Lastly, Russia, has several specific laws and uses the DPA in order to protect its citizens data. While some countries do not cover regulation in civil and criminal penalties, and do not have voluntary frameworks, the United States has the most articulated and mature laws and regulations for cybersecurity. Its important that these acts and laws continue to be amended and grow, so that there is always protection of personal data.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Nursing in the Classroom - 1608 Words
As the largest repository for primary and secondary source material on the history of nursing in the world, the Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing is uniquely situated to create research and scholarship that will position nursing history as central to debates about health policy and practice. The Center provides a broad array of educational opportunities across the School and University, nation and the world. Center faculty members are known for their mentorship and are highly sought after as history of nursing and health policy consultants. One place where Center faculty are able to highlight their scholarship is in the classroom, where educating a new generation of clinicians and researchers through the framework of nursing historical inquiry provides an innovative cultural space that supports discovery and creativity. The Centerââ¬â¢s award-winning humanities-based scholarship focuses on the use of history to understand current issues in practice, educ ation, the workforce and health care systems. Center faculty members are responsible for individual courses in the School of Nursing and provide guest lectures across the University and at interdisciplinary schools across the nation. This nursing history coursework provides invaluable context for Penn Nursingââ¬â¢s undergraduate curriculum, which is built on the core concepts of judgment, inquiry, voice, and engagement while bridging the gap between the classroom and clinical experience. In this edition ofShow MoreRelatedEnding The Cycle : Incivility Within Nursing1438 Words à |à 6 PagesCycle: Incivility in Nursing Alexis Gilmore Cedar Crest College Abstract Incivility in nursing education and on the clinical floor is escalating. Due to the negative effects of incivility in the classroom and clinical setting on the students and faculty the profession of nursing could potentially be at risk of violating its foundation, the American Nurses Association code of ethics. Interventions to renew professionalism and trust amongst faculty and students in the nursing profession must beRead MoreQuantitative Outcomes For Nursing Students Essay1439 Words à |à 6 PagesTitle The title of the article critiqued is, ââ¬Å"Quantitative Outcomes for Nursing Students in a Flipped Classroomâ⬠. Authors of this study are listed as Susan Ann Harrington, Melodee Vanden Bosch, Nancy Schoofs, Cynthia Beel-Bates and Kirk Anderson. While this nurse was researching for Quantitative studies, this article drew interest to this nurse. While this nurse begins to advance education in nursing, the article was interesting to read. Pedagogy or the art of teaching; education; instructionalRead MoreKolb s Theory Of Experimental Learning Theory1705 Words à |à 7 Pagesbases for everything that we do as a nurse. Theories are the bases for nursing as we care for patients, and theories are also the bases for the way that we learn and grow as nurses. Kolbââ¬â¢s theory of Experimental Learning is one of the theories that can be used to describe the cycle of learning that occurs in the class room. This article is dedicated to describing how the Kolbââ¬â¢s theory of Experimental Learning can be used in a classroom for the purpose of teaching undergraduate student s in regards to learningRead MoreA Personal Philosophy Of Education Essay1164 Words à |à 5 PagesThis paper also explores my personal philosophy of education, ascertaining the learning theory I identify with the most. Mission and Vision of Duke University School of Nursing The mission and vision of Duke University School of Nursing emphasizes educational excellence and academic innovation (Duke University School of Nursing, n.d.). I am impressed that Duke spoke to the calling of Advanced Practice Nurses to become transformative leaders during an era of health care reform. Dukeââ¬â¢s mission valuesRead MoreThe Use of Different Approaches and Learning Styles in Nursing Education996 Words à |à 4 Pagesstyles Nursing is a discipline that demands the practitioner be able to understand higher-level abstract medical and scientific concepts, yet also deploy them in a hands-on manner. It requires the practitioner to learn from observing more experienced colleagues. Thus, using different approaches to teaching is not simply sound on the basis of the strengths of the individual students, but also a necessary part of teaching the art and science of nursing. The use of technology in the nursing classroomRead MoreTeaching And Learning Theoretical Framework Essay1694 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å"environmental, sociocultural, physical, and psychospiritual,â⬠In the comfort theory, Kolcaba, (2016) states if healthcare needs are appropriately assessed and interventions are carried out to address those needs, the outcome is enhanced patient comfort. If nursing students are comfortable they will in theory: perform better, retain and apply their knowledge and be better nurses. Comfort Theory is a pr ocess and a product. This theory is based on seeing an individual as a spiritual being. Once comfort is achievedRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Education1075 Words à |à 5 PagesMy Personal Philosophy of Nursing Education My personal philosophy of nursing education is a work in progress as I continue to grow as a nurse, and educator and as a scholar of nursing education. 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Reading literature, stories, and other humanities-based readings, engaging in reflective writing assignments, and composing and listening to cultural introductions was an amazing experience of learning in the nursing classroom. It helped me establish my identity in the nursing profession. In addition, I learned selected basic skills in this class that wil l help me function as a nurse in my future clinical
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marketing Plan for New Product Launch Free Essays
string(97) " market coverage Large range of flavors High availability Price: Minimum price of juice is 20 R\." {draw:g} {draw:frame} SUPERIOR UNIVERSITY LAHORE Project Name: Marketing Plan for new product launch Presented To: Sir Kashif* *Mahmood Group Name : The Stallionz Leader Name Id: Imran Shoukat MBP Members Name Id: Muhammad Arslan Dilawar MBP Abuzer Shabbir MBP Hassan Raza Muhammad Kashif Munir Company N*ame:* The Glimmers Limited. Company Logo: {draw:frame} Product Name: {draw:frame} * * * *Contents of Marketing Plan Part 1: Executive Summary Part 2: Purpose and Mission Part 3: Situational Analysis Product, Market Analysis Distribution Analysis Competitor Analysis Financial Analysis Other Analysis Part 4: Strategy and Objectives text:list-item} {text:list-item} Part 5: Tactical Programs {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Part 6: Budgets, Performance Analysis, Implementation Budgeting and Analysis Implementation Part 7: Additional Considerations Executive Summary This report explains the marketing plan for launching a fresh Juice named ââ¬Å"Refreshâ⬠. This product has been made by the Glimmers Limited. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Plan for New Product Launch or any similar topic only for you Order Now And it is approved from the Ministry of health. In the very beginning of the report we have explained the mission and vision of the Glimmers and then we have further carried out our. It will be introduced in the market with the help of various promotional displays, advertisement and distribution of free samples to the general public and financial institution. This report examines that this product is initially launching in Lahoreââ¬â¢s domestic market. The study included both primary and secondary research. The primary study focused on a survey of the competitors and the likings and disliking of people. Through this strategy company can penetrate more into the market and can attract the bulk of customers. For this purpose we have conducted SWOT analysis of the company to see the companyââ¬â¢s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then we have explained the purposes, benefits and objectives of our product. Then we have made a marketing mix strategy for our product. We have divided market into different segments and decided to target the kids, youngster mature and old age person. We have also paid special attention to the packaging, color and price of the product. We have decided to place the product in all the markets of Punjab especially in the canteens of colleges and universities. We will promote our product through electronic media, print media, cable, and outdoor sources. We shall also conducted a market survey in future to know the opinion of public about our product and developed our product accordingly. Introduction to the Glimmers Limited Companyââ¬â¢s Vision Statement: ââ¬Å"Be the global leader in customer valueâ⬠. Companyââ¬â¢s Mission Statement: ââ¬Å"To set world class standards in the Juice industry through providing a diverse range of high quality Juice products that are prepared in accordance with Islamic principles striving to satisfy consumers tastes and needs and serving the Societyâ⬠The Glimmerââ¬â¢s Business in Lahore The Glimmers will commence its operation in Lahore from October 2010. The factory facility has been founded on a 20 canal area of land in the Industrial area, Ferozepur Road Lahore. The factory is expected to match the demand of our products. We have ensured the installation of modern, sophisticated and efficient equipment, conforming to the very latest standards of ââ¬Å"Goods Manufacturing Practicesâ⬠. Introduction to Refresh People started too perished under the scorching heat of summer in our country. They need an energy drink to refresh themselves. Refresh is a fresh juice product. It provides energy and keeps people fresh when they are felt weak or tired from doing a lot of work. It contains vitamins and proteins which is a useful energy source. Vitamins give freshness and proteins are the energy cells that recharge the human body so that they work at their maximum. The students, employees and workers become tired due to the work burden and sunlight which make them feel loose. They need an energy drink that makes them re-energize so they may be able to perform better again and feel refresh. * Slogan*: ââ¬Å"The taste u desireâ⬠Ingredients are: {text:list-item} Objectives: To increase 25% market share {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Current Market Situation Refresh is a fresh juice product that is going to introduce in the Lahore domestic market. We are focusing to all levels of generation. The kids, youths, mature and olds and overall families The prices of the refresh are moderate, because it is for everyone in the society. Market Demographics: The customer of the Refresh consists of following: Geographicââ¬â¢s: The refresh geographic target area is currently Lahore. We are supplying our product to all area of the Lahore. We have further divided the areas of Lahore into 4 zones. A zone includes Gulberg, M. M Alam road, Defence B zone includes upper Mall, Wahdat road, model town C zone includes lower mall, Allama Iqbal Town, Sabzazar Scheme D zone includes Multan road , Sakeem mor, Allama Iqbal town {draw:frame} b. Demographics: There is an almost equal ratio between male and female and also kids. We are focusing: Kids Youngsters Mature Old age persons Our Competitors The Refresh is currently facing a very competitive environment. Because the competitors of the Refresh are:- Shezan Country Nestle Sunfresh Benz Product Review: The Refresh is available in 250ml size and available in different Flavors like: Mango Apple Pineapple Orange Mix-fruit Competitive Review ââ¬Å"Refreshâ⬠Competitors: The competitors of ââ¬Å"Refreshâ⬠juice are more than 10. NESTLE SHEZAN is leading market right now and other companies are far away from it. NESTLE SHEZAN has loyal customers over the years because it is very old company and customers are aware of its merits demerits. The companyââ¬â¢s first purpose is to compete NESTLE and other juices which have large market share. The main competitors are {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Product: Shezan juice is a product by Shezan International Ltd. Qualities of Shezan: High availability Large range of flavors Standardized and attractive packing Large promotion and market coverage Available in Various weights packing. Price: Minimum price of juice is 12 R. s Place: Shezan has a large market share in Pakistan. Sales: Promotion: They promote this product through Electronic media Print Media FM Radio stations Wall Chalking {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Product: Nestle beverages is a product by Nestle International. Qualities of Nestle: Large promotion and market coverage Large range of flavors High availability Price: Minimum price of juice is 20 R. s Promotion: They promote this product through a. Electronic media b. Print Media c. FM Radio stations Place: Nestle has a large market share in Pakistan. All calculations based on non-rounded figures Strategy: Creating shared value global forum Good pricing Better Quality By offering different flavors Intensive distribution Attractive packing SWOT Analysis of Glimmers {draw:frame} Strengths: Updated technology plant Quality product Specialists available for specialized jobs and tasks Hire experienced staff Medical insurance of employees Pakistani made Targeted to low and middle class people. Reasonable price Expiry date above 6 months Weakness New in juice industry Small distribution network Strong competitor No market share Limited experience of customers Opportunities Increase the distribution network. Acquiring the newer technology techniques. Market is very big attractive. Take-over of the distributor Increased demand of high quality products due to Lahore being a developed city. Threats Political instability New entrance from the exiting competitors So many competitors Retaining consumers Economic instability. Increases of general sales tax Development of plant Marketing Strategy and Objectives The market strategy is based on positioning of the product in the mind of consumers. Providing high quality Juice to the customers. We will distribute our product on mass level so that we can maximize the profitability. Positioning Strategies: We want to put an image of our product in the consumers mind as compare to competitorââ¬â¢s product. We want to target the high school, college and graduate students and government sectors that have to work hard and need to ââ¬Å"Refreshâ⬠them in an instant. *2. * Segmentation: * We made the market segmentation on the following basis: Density Age Gender Income Family size Family life cycle Occupation Education Social classes Life style 3. Targeting: We will target the following customers: Kids Youngsters Mature Old age persons Marketing Mix: Product Price Promotion Place Product Strategy: Develop the long-term relationship with the customers Give val ues to the customers to delighting them Do whatever it takes not to satisfy the customers but retain our customers In order to accomplish this objective, the company has established sales, marketing and support teams. Product variety: Our product would be available in the following flavors:- Mango Apple Orange Grapes Mix-fruit Brand name: The name which we have chosen for our product is *ââ¬Å"Refresh*â⬠{draw:frame} Quality: High quality assurance would be our first priority. This would be ensured by: Implementing high quality standards Total quality management Acquisition of the high quality raw materials Design: ââ¬Å"Refreshâ⬠is a sweet, refreshing Juice with an eye catching Tetra hedral pack. *Features*: Here are of the some features of our product: Fresh original fruit juice Provides proteins and minerals Provides vitamins Beneficial for kidneys Excellent in taste Gives freshness Tetra Pack protection packing Packaging: Product units are packed in 6-layered Tetra Pack Brick Aseptic. Sizes: Our product is available in 250 ml pack. Pricing Strategies: Our pricing strategies for the product are for total cost, which include custom services and other expenses. Pricing strategy usually change as the product passes through its life cycle. The price should be set at moderate level in order to attract a large number of buyers and to gain large market share. Amounts are in Pak Rupees. The total per unit price for 250ml packs that we will offer as follows: The cost of fruits Rs. 3 Electricity Rs. 2 Factory Overhead Rs. 3 Miscellaneous Rs. 2 Retailer Margin Rs. 2 Profit Rs. 3 Total Price Rs. 15 In accordance to our strategy we have decided to offer the product to customers at the price of Rs. 15. The price is very much compatible and the offer is substantial enough to attract a large percentage of market in a very quick time. Price and Quality Grid: This grid shows what pricing strategy a firm is perusing:- {draw:rect} {draw:custom-shape} According to this grid we are offering high quality at low price. So we are following penetration strategy. Communication Strategies: Promotion: Actually the promotion is a first step when we are launching a new product, but we make its strategies in last. We want to make a good image in the mind of customers, so that they will buy only our products. Criteria for Promotion: In promotion our main objective is to provide: Awareness Knowledge Liking Preference Purchasing Main Sources of Promotion: Electronic Media Print Media Cabel network Billboards Hoardings Electronic Media: Print Media: Billboards: Hoardings: Cabel Network Benefits: Following are the additional benefits which are offered to the customers to give them Value: Give 5 rappers and get one free juice pack Purchase ten juice packs and get one pack free. If you purchase a small crate of juice then you will able to participate in lucky draw and you can win following prizes: Samsung FM Guru DVD system Rs. 5000 Place: Distributors Review To assure the availability of its product ââ¬Å"Refreshâ⬠juice has established effective network of registered dealers. The main target of these juices is Lahore. draw:g} The end consumer would then purchase ââ¬Å"Refreshâ⬠from the retailer. The distributor are the most reliable distributors in the region. They enjoy a flawless reputation combined with business relations with numerous retailers even in the rural areas of Lahore and near sides. This has ensured that ââ¬Å"Refreshâ⬠will be made available all over Lahore. Budgeting: Controls: This is the main and last element of the marketing planning by using this we can check our product standard by comparing It with our standards if there is any problem arrive in marketing plan the it must be corrected. Three main functions are performed under this element of planning that is: Measuring Comparing Correcting Measuring: We can check our marketing condition through measuring in which different types of tasks may be performed like Surveys Survey *for* *The* Future: In order to learn weather people would like to buy or use our product, we have decided to conduct a market survey in future so that we can assure that people likes our product or not. Comparing: In controlling process we compare our product with our standards Correcting: If any problem occurs then correcting process will take place in which we found that from where the problem will arises. Marketing Organization: Refreshââ¬â¢s chief marketing officer, holds overall responsibility for all of the companyââ¬â¢s marketing activities. There are other subordinates with him to help the sales campaigns, trade and consumer sales promotions, and public relations efforts. Action Programs: The ââ¬Å"REFRESHâ⬠will be introduced in May. Following are summaries of the action programs we will use during this summer session to achieve our stated objectives. May We will initiate 80,00,000 rupees trade sales promotion campaign to educate dealers and generate excitement for the product launch, and provide sample crates to our selected product reviewers, opinion leaders and celebrities as part of our public relation strategy. June We will start an integrated print/displays/television campaign. The campaign will show how many features the ââ¬Å"REFRESHâ⬠have for users to reenergize them. July As the juice advertisement continues, we will add consumer sales promotion by including them to our messages. We will also support or retailer to increase our sales. August _ _We plan to roll out a new advertisement having new views of customers through survey who have used our drink which will help to promote our juice. Story Board References: Philip Kotler* * * * (Principle Of Marketing) Journal of Marketing Journal of Advertisement Websites: www. mickinsey. com www. wikipedia. com *www. Nestle. Com* www. Angrofoods. com www. shezan. com www. marketing. com How to cite Marketing Plan for New Product Launch, Essays
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Project Management Methodology Plan for Water Crosby West Bank Water
Question: Discuss about the Project Management Methodology of the Plan for Water Crosby West Bank Water . Answer: Introduction The Mt Crosby West Bank WTP (Water Treatment Plant) is one of the major water treatment plants that have been ranked second among the others. The report here seeks to provide the report containing the plan and the blue print that will serve as the standard for the other objectives (Seqwater.com.au 2016). The various details that have been provided in this report mainly concentrate on the technicalities of the water treatment plant. These standards will help in improvement of the services that are provided by the company and will help in creation of trust in the stakeholders of the company. The plant which has been installed suffers the wear and tear over the time. Hence the plant equipments that have been installed in the premise needs to be changed with time for maintaining the standards. The scope of this installation which aims to improve the quality of water treatment is four (4) back wash motor that will be used for cleaning the filters, thirty eight (38) actuators for controlling the water flow, thirty six (36) butterfly valves that will be installed within the filter plant and finally the six (6) actuator valve for the pure water well. The water that is treated in this plant is used for both domestic and the industrial purpose and hence the quality should be maintained. Installation of the back wash motor The back wash motors are the pumps that are used for pumping water into the system. The water that is pumped for a specific interval of time is used for cleaning the filters so that the water purifier keeps on filtering up to the mark. For the process of cleaning the filters, water is made to flow in the reverse direction (Al-Sarkal and Arafat 2013). The motors that will be installed on the site have to be properly aligned and the alignment should be checked using the laser alignment technique. The other specifications too have been deliberated in the sheet so that the equipments are easily accepted by the present system and the necessary changes that are necessary for accommodating the pumps can be avoided (Spellman, F.R., 2013). The control system for the motors that too have to be installed in the site should be fitted with the thermistor system for measurement of the temperature in order to prevent overheating. The motor becomes over heated as the efficiency of the motor is not 1 00%, the electrical energy that is used to drive the motor is transferred to the mechanical energy and the heat energy. The heat energy has a disastrous effect on the motor hence the prevention against over heating has to be taken, so that the motor keeps on working in a conducive environment. The relevant documents like the mechanical and the electrical drawing, operation manual and training manual that are used for the installation and proper working of the machine should be handed over to the organization (Kerzner 2013). The maintenance and replacements should be carried out regularly in order to ensure a proper working of the system. In this case the maintenance work is carried out in every three years. Installation of the motors should cost around 650 USD for each motor plus the installation and the transportation charges. The installation will be accompanied by the service period of three months and the bearing vibration reports should be delivered to the site engineers (Laute nschlager et al. 2014). The department of the electrical engineering in the organization is responsible for monitoring and maintenance of the installed motors, hence the engineers will communicate to the respective managers for improvement of the system and the progresses made (Walker 2015). Since the work need intensive capita the management is responsible for the selection of the quotations. Actions Quality Benchmarks Responsibility Timeline Capital Completion Supply and installation of four (4) back wash motors that has been laser aligned. According to the specified specification mentioned on the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors Within 400 USD, the present rate will be decided based on the market values (Mark appropriately Installation of the thermistor control of the motor According to the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors Within 200 USD the present rate will be decided based on the market values (Mark appropriately Supplying of documentation related to the installation and training According to the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors Nil (Mark appropriately Installation of Auxiliary components The auxiliary components of the motor that has to be installed along with it are electric actuators, valve lower seals, valve spindles, electric actuators and the dive nuts for making the system work properly (Tetzlaff et al. 2016). Hence the sixteen parts that are have been put on the tender takes care of the various aspects like the control of the floodgate or penstock for controlling the water flow. The implementation of the project aims to reduce the leakages of the system that ensures the purified water doesnt mix with the untreated water which will compromise the quality of the water produced. The replacement of the auxiliary system should be carried out in every six months in order to ensure the quality of the water. Apart from the sixteen auxiliary equipments that are to be installed in the site a hand held tools for electrical setup will also be provided. The deliverable also includes the various manuals that are related to the equipments, like the electrical drawings, mecha nical drawings, the training manuals and operation and the maintenance manuals (Schwalbe 2015). The department of electrical engineering is responsible for the working of the equipments that will be installed in the system. The manager of the department is also responsible for the faults in the system after the installation and the commissioning has been done. The manager will oversee the communication and monitoring of the processes, the internal memos that is used for the improving the system will also be generated by the departmental head. The capital investments for the auxiliary equipments are medium, and the installation process will be allocated to the bidder with the least amount of quotation which will be around 1600 USD. Actions Quality Benchmarks Responsibility Timeline Capital Completion Supply, Installation and commissioning of 16 electric actuators, valve spindles, valve lower seals and drive nuts. According to the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors. Within 1300 USD (Mark appropriately) Supply of hand held electronic set up tool. According to the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors Within 200 USD the present rate will be decided based on the market values (Mark appropriately) Supplying of documentation related to the installation and training According to the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors Nil (Mark appropriately) Installation of pneumatic Actuators and back wash inlet valves According to Prescott and Prescott (2016), during the water treatment process, backwash inlet valves and pneumatic actuators are the set of equipment that includes a motor is controlled or operated by gas or water under pressure, and the desired direction of flow water is controlled by the gates. The maintenance of equipment should take for a maximum of one month and can be replaced after three years of service. To reduce the cost of the operation and to maximize efficiency, the company replaces the old ones with new pneumatic valves and actuators. It helps the company to maintain their goal of having higher efficiency within their operational system. The actual number of pneumatic valves and actuators that will be commissioned and installed stands at thirty-six (Burt 2014). As stated in the quotation request upon completion of the work, all manuals and reports of valve pressure test certification and sign off inspection, maintenance and operation manual, mechanical and electrical dr awings, and design specification and justification, must be handed over to the electrical department manager. According to the company objectives and expected output levels, the manager will be tasked for this activity with regards to planning and monitoring progress (Lawson 2014). The manager will be communicating developments, noted owing as a result of the installation to the higher management and the improvement efforts has to be sustained, which will be based on the constant monitoring of these items performance. In three years time, the project will require around 3600 USD as this is a capital intensive project, with the reasonable factor of inflation taken into account (Wright 2013). The objective for this goal statement is mentioned below. Step of Action Quality of Benchmark Person Tasked With Time Duration Resources Required Completion Status Supply of records bearing vibration, specification, inspection, tests and specification, manuals, drawings, and laser alignments. Against RFQ Manager of Electrical Department After three years it will take around one month Nil (Mark appropriately) Commissioning, installation, and supply of 36 pneumatic valves and actuators Against RFQ specifications Manager of Electrical Department After three years replacement will take one month Based on inflation in 3 years price should be within 3600 USD with reasonable variance (Marking appropriately) Installation The air scour valve pneumatic actuators The backwash system has air scour pneumatic valve actuators, which are a set of parts comprised of the motor and are fluid driven to increase the filter efficiency. The reason behind it is that, to conform to the company's objective the production cost in line with being less. This operation includes commission, supply, and installation of ten pneumatic actuators and delivering the critical documentations related to the newly installed equipment, replacement of which will take a maximum of one month after every three years (Lautzenheiser 2013). The manager of the electrical department will overlook the entire operation including sustaining improvements efforts, monitoring plan progress, and improvements noted by documenting the machines performance. The allocated budget for this goal is medium, and the cost will be in the range of USD 500 in three years time subjecting in inflation rates (Felch, Patterson and Wiercinski 2014). The objective for this goal statement is mentioned below. Step of Action Quality of Benchmark Person Tasked With Time Duration Resources Required Completion Status Supply of records bearing vibration, specification, inspection, tests and specification, manuals, drawings, and laser alignments. Against RFQ Manager of Electrical Department After three years it will take around one month Nil (Mark appropriately) Commissioning, installation, and supply of 10 pneumatic valves and actuators Against RFQ specifications Manager of Electrical Department After three years replacement will take one month Based on inflation in 3 years price should be within 500 USD with reasonable variance (Marking appropriately) To regulate the flow of water within various water treatment segments, the backwash outlet penstock valve actuators, which are a set of parts, comprises of an actuator or a motor. Handheld electronic actuator set up tools would be replaced and fitted with twelve actuators under this part. After every 3 years the process will be done and maximum of the total time period, it will take up to one year to complete the task. After the completion of the exercise the report was handed over to the electrical manager of the organization. The report that is handed over to the manager is consists of specific design, operations, maintenance manual, and drawings and signed off tests. If any new equipment will be required then the manger will be responsible for that. He or she needs to communicate with others for communication and improvement. The expected outcome can be achieved by installation of new equipment to the existing system. The scope of budget will be estimated at US 600 to influence the implementation rate. The goals of the actions are as follows: Action step Benchmark Responsible person Timeline management Required resources Completed The supply Inspection, implementation and delivery of 12 actuator valve. It is against the specifications of RFQ. The responsible person is the manger from the electrical department. For replacement at least 3 years will needed. On the basis of the inflation in 3 years USD 600 with variance reasons are considered. Appropriate marking is required to complete it. The actions are needed to be adopted in supply records. The components are as follows drawing, manual designing, inspection and vibration and testing. It is against the REQ. The manager of the electrical department After every three years one months. NA Appropriate marking is required to complete it. Installation of Pure water outlet butterfly valve electronic actuator Pure water outlets are electronics actuators, which comprises of motor, which is fitted with a rod along with the plates that helps in controlling and rotating the flow of water. The plates are sometimes prone to wear and tear and therefore, they must be replaced after every 3 years. The edges of the plates are lost and thus it intends more water. The process involves replacement of 6 actuators which is fitted along with the hand held actuators for handing all the reports as per the requirement. The manager of the electric department is very much responsible for reporting the progress, which is constructed with the help of internal memo, and sustaining improvement through the help of documentation. The table below shows the goal of the objective. Action Step Benchmark (feature) The person who is responsible Timeline Resources Required Accomplished Installation of the six (6) valves Against the disclaimer of RCQ Manager of Electrical Department Replacement requires a time of one month after 1 year. Within USD 600 with reasonable variance based on inflation in 3 years Marked appropriately Supplying the documents Against (RFQ) Electrical department manager One month is required after one month. Nil Marked appropriately References Al-Sarkal, T. and Arafat, H.A., 2013. Ultrafiltration versus sedimentation-based pretreatment in Fujairah-1 RO plant: Environmental impact study.Desalination,317, pp.55-66. Burt, A., Schneider Electric Buildings, Llc, 2014.Advanced Valve Actuator With True Flow Feedback. U.S. Patent Application 14/211,005. Felch, C.L., Patterson, M. and Wiercinski, S., Siemens Energy, Inc., 2014.Composite media for water treatment processes and methods of using same. U.S. Patent 8,753,524. Kerzner, H.R., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Lautenschlager, K., Hwang, C., Ling, F., Liu, W.T., Boon, N., Kster, O., Egli, T. and Hammes, F., 2014. Abundance and composition of indigenous bacterial communities in a multi-step biofiltration-based drinking water treatment plant.Water research,62, pp.40-52. Lautzenheiser, T.L., Godfrey, D.O., Miles, M.E., Mork, S.O. and Bylsma, R.B., Access Business Group International Llc, 2013.Valve system. U.S. Patent 8,375,970. Lawson, D., 2014. Developing an Asset Management Program for a Wastewater Treatment Plant.Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation,2014(12), pp.2168-2182. Prescott, R.E., RE Prescott Co., Inc, 2016.Aeration control valve system for water treatment system and methods for using same. U.S. Patent Application 15/064,038. Schwalbe, K., 2015.Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Seqwater.com.au. (2016). Mt Crosby | Seqwater. [online] Available at: https://www.seqwater.com.au/education/virtual-tour/mt-crosby-0 [Accessed 7 Oct. 2016]. Spellman, F.R., 2013.Handbook of water and wastewater treatment plant operations. CRC Press. Tetzlaff, S.K., Robinson, L.T., Bierig, K.R. and Shaffer, D.A., Baker Hughes Incorporated, 2016.Auxiliary Face Seal for Submersible Well Pump Seal Section. U.S. Patent 20,160,145,984. Walker, A., 2015.Project management in construction. John Wiley Sons. Wright, T., Cornelison, T., Bauer, M. and Abrams, A., ClearCove Systems, Inc., 2013.Method and apparatus for a vertical lift decanter system in a water treatment system. U.S. Patent Application 14/142,197.
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